I already have DCA, isn’t that everything I need to build a thriving digital course business?

Amy always tells her students not to include everything they know about their subject matter in their courses and you know what? She takes her own advice.

Digital Course Academy®️ gives you the foundation to get started and create and launch your first course. For some, it’s resulted in 6-figure launches right from the get-go!

That said, DCA has a clearly defined beginning and end. Plus, there’s only so much content I can share without overwhelming new course creators! Over here at Porterfield HQ, we’re constantly learning and applying new strategies — and we’ll be sharing all of those with Momentum members.

Amy created The Momentum Experience to give you a continued opportunity to work with her, go deeper, access an elite community of fellow course creators, and get the mindset support you need to flourish for the long haul.

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