I’m not making any real money from digital courses *yet*... should I still join Momentum?

Keyword: yet. Even if you’ve yet to make $1 — the guidance and strategies you’ll receive in Momentum will help you make the income and impact you set out to generate with your course in the first place.

Here’s the thing… we know it’s hard to invest in your business when you’re not yet making a ton of money. It’s tempting to sit on the sidelines and try to figure things out on your own, but it’ll take a whole lot longer. All you need is ONE idea or breakthrough and Momentum will have paid for itself.

Amy will give you the shortcuts you need to get results faster and the best part is even if you only sell 1 or 2 courses a month your investment will be more than covered.

You ARE ready. You CAN do this. Momentum will help you feel that unshakeable confidence down to your core that makes launching, hosting webinars, and building your community infinitely easier.

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