How can I move Amy's emails from the Gmail Promotional tab to appear in my inbox?

We want to make sure that all of our emails are landing in your inbox moving forward, so we have a couple tips and tricks to share. 

One of the simplest ways to move an email is to left-click and hold on the email and drag it from the promotions tab over to the Primary tab. Releasing the mouse will drop the email into the primary tab. After it is dropped, Gmail will ask if you wish to make the change permanent, then click "yes."

To make sure Gmail never filters as spam mail from a certain contact or domain:

  • Click the Show Search Options downward-pointing triangle in your Gmail's main search field.
  • Type the desired email address under "From" - We typically send emails from [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
  • To whitelist an entire domain (all mail from an address ending in "", for example), type the just the domain name or the domain name preceded by '@'.
  • You do not have to create a separate filter for each address.
  • Separate addresses with '|' in the From: field instead.
  • To whitelist both "[email protected]" and "[email protected]", enter "[email protected]|[email protected]", for example.
  • Follow the Create filter with this search ›› link at the bottom of the search sheet.
  • Make sure "Never send it to Spam" is checked.
  • Click Create filter
  • Click here for a quick (soundless) video tutorial

There you go! Lots of steps, but it will take just minutes at most! ;) 

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