How do I know if Momentum is the right fit for me?

The Momentum Experience is perfect for those who want to have the continued opportunity to work directly with Amy, go deeper into your course creation mastery, learn more advanced strategies, and have access to an elite community of fellow course creators.

In this membership, you will get the mindset support you need to truly flourish for the long haul. It’s the next level that’ll ensure you stay on track long after DCA wraps up. 

That said, DCA has a clearly defined beginning and end. There’s only so much content Amy can share without overwhelming new course creators! Over here at Porterfield HQ, we’re constantly learning and applying new strategies — and we’ll be sharing all of those with our Momentum members.

If this sounds like something that would help you as you build and grow your digital course business, then Momentum is the perfect place for you!  

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