Does Digital Course Academy include list building?

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, we suggest you first grow your email list to 100 subscribers before jumping into the program. That way your list building foundation is set and you can hit the ground running with course creation.

We designed DCA to help you continue growing your list while you create your course. That's why we've included the bonus: Start from Scratch: How to Kickstart Your Email List to Grow Your Online Business.

We recommend growing your list to 500 subscribers by the time of your first launch. The great news is that the process of launching is a list builder in itself, so you can anticipate growing your email list throughout your launch.

The important thing to remember here is this: Even a list of a few hundred highly engaged, eager-to-hear-from-you subscribers can make a HUGE difference in your course launch success. Be intentional about your list growth and you will see success!

If you are just getting started with your list building efforts, or your list size is less than 100 subscribers, we recommend starting with List Builders Society before jumping into DCA. We’d suggest registering for Amy’s (free!) list building masterclass to learn more. Click here to register. 

If you’re just on the cusp of 100 and you have the foundation of list building squared away, then you will learn strategies to grow and nurture your list in DCA.

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