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How much time do I need to commit each week to Digital Course Academy?

There is no one set answer to this question. In fact, it is almost impossible to answer because every DCA student starts from a different place and has their own unique circumstances and experiences in terms of how much time and focus they can devote each week to the program.

What I can share with you is that DCA is an implementation program. Since the program is now divided into two tracks: Your Start From Scratch Digital Course Track and Your Ready To Launch Digital Course Track the suggested time commitment varies.

We suggest spending 5-10 hours a week for 60 days, to work through the Your Start From Scratch Digital Course Track and implement the strategies. Also, there are AI insight sections throughout the "Build Your Audience Guide" PDF and the "How to Create & Promote a Workshop Course Guide” PDF to help assist you and save you time.

Whereas, we suggest spending 5-10 hours a week for 90 days, to work through the Your Ready To Launch Digital Course Track and implement the strategies. In addition, there is an AI toolkit in the Snapshot Lesson of every module that will have prompts to help utilize the power of AI to save time in the implementation process. 

On average, it’ll take you about an hour to watch the video training lessons in each DCA Module.

Lastly, Amy also offers templates for any emails that she suggests you write so always make sure to download the PDFs associated with each lesson in order to get the step by step instructions and to save time with her templates.

Don’t forget! You will have lifetime access to the program, so you truly can move at your own pace as your time allows. Success doesn’t happen overnight ;)

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